The Shingba Rhododendron Sanctuary is located in Yumthang valley in North Sikkim. The sanctuary is surrounded on the east by Chuba-Sagochen mountain ranges and on the west by Chomzomei Tso that extends till the Lava Pass. The sanctuary covers an area of around 43 sq.kms, which comprises of several species of rhododendrons and lies at an altitude of 3048 to 4575 m. The Yumthang Chhu meanders through the sanctuary giving it a picturesque outlook. The best time to visit the sanctuary is from April to July, when the rhododendrons are in full bloom and the sanctuary turns into a riot of colors.
The place is very rich in natural vegetation cover and comprises of various species of plants & trees. The chief attraction of the place is the Rhododendron shrubs & trees that are found here in abundance. There are around 40 different species of Rhododendrons that lends the park a colorful look during the spring season. In addition to this, there are various other trees like Potentillas, Saxifrages, Primulas, Aconites, Poppies, Gentians and many more.
Being close to the Tibetan Plateau, the entire valley witnesses long winter seasons. January is the coldest month, though it becomes cold from the month of November onwards. This pattern continues till the end of February. During this entire period the valley receives heavy snowfall which further enhances it beauty. Between the months of August and September the accessibility to the valley gets disturbed due to bad road conditions.